Daroupakhsh Company

Daroupakhsh Company

Subject: Providing and distributing medicine, preparing marketing operations, selling medicines and biological products as well as animal and poultry products .

Province: Tehran

Address: No.4, Parvin Alley, West Fatemi Ave.,Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 94 57 32 - 36

More Information: Daroupakhsh Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Distribution Company as the biggest specialized distributor in the country and having a basket of over 350 medicinal items and vaccines produced by Razak, Zagros Pharmed Pars, Aboureyhan Pharmaceutical company, Darou Pakhsh plants and other export-import companies, simultaneously distributes medicines across the country in the shortest possible time through representation offices and branches.
Dr. Kamran Tahmasbi—Managing Director
The products, available in the basket of Darou Pakhsh Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Distribution Company, are among the highest quality pharmaceuticals produced inside the country which sends out the message of health and security to clients.
In view of the company’s main field of activity in providing and distributing medicine, preparing marketing operations, selling medicines and biological products as well as animal and poultry products mention can be made of the outstanding features of this company such as experienced and skillful team of sales and marketing, proper storage and distribution fleet based on international rules and standards.

number of visits : 291
Date of Registration : 1400-02-17
Expiration date : 1404-02-20

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