Beyza Feed Mill 21

Beyza Feed Mill 21

Subject: The largest and most technologically equipped producer of livestock, poultry and fish feed in Iran

Province: Fars

Address: next to Ard-e-Sepidan factory, 12 Km of Beyza road, 20 km of Shiraz-Marvdasht highway, Shiraz - IRAN

Phone: 071 - 36 77 54 37 ، 071 - 36 26 80 46 ، 021 - 88 01 49 67

Fax: 071 - 36 26 80 47 ، 021 - 88 01 49 81

More Information: Beyza Feed Mill 21 (BFM21), was established in 2002 with the purpose of enhancing and updating animal husbandry by producing concentrate pellets in Fars Province, Sepidan Division, Iran. Meeting customers’ satisfaction, providing a diverse portfolio of products, preserving optimal quality, observing environmental regulations, and abiding by safety rules, professional sanitation principles, and food safety standards have been among the fundamental etiquettes for the company’s high-quality production. Shortly after one year, BFM21 managed to employ state-of-the-art equipment and specialized human resources to implement its comprehensive poultry feed production lines.
In the same year, an advanced quality control laboratory was established in the factory, which is one of the important achievements of this industrial unit. After the implementation of the laboratory, all of production procedures including the input of raw materials, production process, and the output of products are all regulated under supervising and control. As of now, BFM21 production of feed by pellet technology has reached an annual capacity of one thousand tons, which is among the most important achievements of the company at a national level.
In 2005, BFM21 started an experimental research-based production of trout (Salmo trutta) feed by pellet technology for its own fish farm. Following that, in 2007, with collaboration of European consultants, the company implemented its 2nd phase as a development plan for the production of aquatic animals using the state-of-the-art technology called extrusion. The new production plant put into operation in 2008. Presently, the capacity for extrusion-based production of aquatic feed is over fifty thousand tons annually.
BFM21 products are:
- Various livestock concentrates: diary cattle, baby calves, beef calves, sheep and goats, horses and camels.
- Various poultry feed: broiler chicken, egg-laying hens, mother hens, turkeys, partridges, quails, ostriches.
- Various fish feed for fresh water and salt water fish: ornamental fish, cyprinidae, Sturgeon, Marine fish, shrimps.
- Various feed for laboratory animals and pets

number of visits : 383
Date of Registration : 1400-02-22
Expiration date : 1404-02-25

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