Meraat Int’l Group

Meraat Int’l Group

Subject: Businees in field of Bitumen, Naphta, Sulfur, Fuel Oil, Paraffin Wax, LPG, Condensate

Province: Tehran

Address: #3, Nik-Ray St., Mirdamad Ave., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 22 29 22

Fax: 021 - 22 22 29 44

More Information: While the business world is being sophisticated and complicated more and more , The Meraat Int’l Group develops it’s mission for the purpose of thinking and acting in global scale . At this age , it acts both roles of the producer and the supply chain’s Captain (Leader) in many fields from Oil-by products to gold coins.
Moreover Meraat Group has been known as an effective , important and famous member of Iran’s economy try to drop (decrease) the barriers and limitations of trade .
Certainly these successes have been accomplished by an intelligence management and non-stop efforts during these years.
There is no doubt , we strive to show you the best ways of business and provide the best Quality for your life’s road (moments).
We believe in our mission because we believe in our capabilities, strengths and experiences.
Products :
- Bitumen, Naphta, Sulfur, Fuel Oil, Paraffin Wax, LPG, Condensate

number of visits : 466
Date of Registration : 1400-03-18
Expiration date : 1404-03-19

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