Navid Motor Ind.Co.

Navid Motor Ind.Co.

Subject: Manufacturer and supplier of construction electric pumps in the Iranian and regional markets

Province: East Azerbaijan

Address: Plot 11, Block 2/37, Shahid Salimi Industrial Town, Azarshahr Road, Tabriz - IRAN

Phone: 041 - 34 32 82 77 ، 041 - 34 32 82 88 ، 021 - 77 52 57 08 - 09

Fax: 041 - 34 32 84 02 ، 021 - 77 52 23 24

More Information: Navid Motor Industries company (joint stock) has been established on 1996 according to foundation authority of 514267 from EastAzarbaijan Industries Administration andhas been registered in Tabriz companies registration administration under the number of 8253.According to exploitation number of 516061 from Province Industries Administration , the production ranges of thecompany are as follow:
- Production of all kinds of liner circulator pumps
- Production of all kinds of wet rotor circulator pumps
- Production of all kinds of boosting pumps
- Production of all kind of industrial and home circulator
- pumps and special ones according to the customer order
- Production of all kinds of C.K.D parts of circulator pumps
- Production of all kind of centifugal pump parts,high pressure and exporting pumps parts
- Wirecut servises with CNC machine to cut steel,aluminum,copper,tungsten carbide
- Making mono cutting molds and progressive ones
- Machining of all parts with Mandelli center machinery

number of visits : 460
Date of Registration : 1400-03-27
Expiration date : 1404-04-01

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