Tabkh Shamim Ind. Co.

Tabkh Shamim Ind. Co.

Subject: Design, production and sale of all equipment and machinery for industrial kitchens, restaurants, fast food, coffee shops, ice cream, juice and hotel

Province: Tehran

Address: Arshia Building, corner of Vahdat Alley, after the security police, Al-Ghadir Sq., Yaftabad, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 79 33 70 - 71

Fax: 021 - 66 79 33 72

Mobile: 0912 - 729 01 01 ، 0902 - 729 04 04

More Information: Tabkh Shamim Industrial and Equipment Company with more than 25 years of experience in designing, producing and buying and selling all equipment and machines for industrial kitchens, restaurants, fast food, coffee shops, ice cream, juices and hotels has always tried to be the best brands of European industrial products. , To offer Asian to its customers and all products of Shamim Cooking Industrial Company have one year warranty and five years after-sales service.
Products :
Juice and ice cream equipment, confectionery equipment, Nutella home equipment, coffee shop ancillary equipment, fast food equipment, home laundry equipment, hotel equipment and supplies

number of visits : 503
Date of Registration : 1400-04-01
Expiration date : 1404-04-01

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