Sana Dam Pars Group

Sana Dam Pars Group

Subject: Production of food products used in livestock, poultry and aquaculture - Producing Yasmino Max bypass protein (based on soybean press cake)

Province: Tehran

Address: third floor, No. 125, Mirdamad, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 25 85 04

Fax: 021 - 22 22 12 15

More Information: Sana Dam Pars and Yasna Mehr Groups was established in 2003 as a pioneer company relying on the management experience of two generations. The founders of this group aimed to establish knowledge based organization and on that basis, from the very beginning of the company and in line with other sections, the research and development section started its activity to investigate and solve the customers’ scientific and technical needs. Besides citation on the international research and studies, this section could measure the usefulness of each product under the ecological conditions of Iran and introduce the products which fit these conditions by supporting the local research institutes and universities. In this regard, in 2011 Sana Dam Pars and Yasna Mehr Group established a modern factory in Iran complying with the most advanced world standards, and started its activity by producing Yasmino Max bypass protein (based on soybean press cake) for the first time in Middle East.

number of visits : 390
Date of Registration : 1400-04-08
Expiration date : 1404-04-10

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