Loab Sanati Sharif Co.

Loab Sanati Sharif Co.

Subject: Production of ferrite

Province: Yazd

Address: Loab Sanati Sharif Co., After police, 8 km Riyasat Jomhuri highway, Ardakan - IRAN

Phone: 035 - 32 27 29 00 ، 035 - 32 27 52 41 - 42

Fax: 035 - 32 27 39 00

More Information: Loab Sanati Sharif Company is currently implementing development plans to increase production efficiency and reduce energy consumption, by updating the technology of fixed furnaces and automation of rotary furnaces and equipping with the latest modern technology, the ability to produce ferrites, glazes , Angob for all tile production processes such as baking, monoprose, floor and porcelain in various designs.
Also, the import of raw materials such as Indian feldspar, silicon under silicon from Italy, Spain and India, and boric acid from Russia, Argentina and Turkey are the special services of Sharif Glaze Industrial Company.
Products :
- Trans ferrite, matte ferrite, APEC ferrite, Incub ferrite

number of visits : 1606
Date of Registration : 1395-10-14
Expiration date : 1403-11-07

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