Radiran Mfg Co.

Radiran Mfg Co.

Subject: Leading Manufacturer of Heat Exchangers and Refrigeration Equipment in Iran with More Than 50 Years of Experience

Province: Tehran

Address: 19th Km of Old Karaj R.D, Ghods Industrial Zone, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 46 88 19 80 - 84

Fax: 021 - 46 84 22 92

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0902 - 214 04 02

More Information: History of Radiran, with more than half century of back experience, lies in the Italian group of CONTARDO (established on 1928, in Milan-Italy). Today, CONTARDO which is changed to the group of LU-VE, is pioneered in the field of heat exchanger, refrigeration and dry cooler in Europe.
CONTARDO IRAN, established and initiated in Tehran-Iran in 1967.
CONTARDO, was purchased by GOULD ELECTRONICS, an American enterprise. Meanwhile, Mr. Nasser Gardooni, took over 100% of the shares at CONTARDO-IRAN. Company’s name was changed to REFRAIRCO and then, in 1978, to RADIRAN.
With full support of Contardo and Mr. Nasser Gardooni experience, the first full automatic line of manufacturing Fin and tube Heat Exchanger, was officially established and initiated in Iran.
The total activities of Radiran Manufacturing Company include two parts: in the first part, specialized in designing, consulting and manufacturing various types of heat and refrigeration converters, including: Fin & Tube coils and shell and tube shells and equipment. Refrigerator (condenser and evaporator of ammonia and freon units) and air condensers and oil coolers and heat convectors and all kinds of evaporative condensers (Air Cooler) and cooling systems are engaged.
After almost 40 years, RADIRAN and LU-VE were united. LU-VE officially became Radiran business partner in Iran, focusing in the field of industrial refrigeration, dry coolers, special glass doors (TGD SpA) and high-tech air conditioning (TECNAIR).
Products :
- Air Coolers, Dry Coolers, Tubeless Steel Condensers, Air Cooled Condensers, Industrial Unit Coolers
- Commercial unit coolers, Refrigeration and cold storage equipments, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers, Spiral Coils, Fin and Tube Coils

number of visits : 476
Date of Registration : 1400-05-24
Expiration date : 1404-05-26

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