Mahyar Industrial Co.

Mahyar Industrial Co.

Subject: Supply of diesel generator for power stations - Construction of cold store, freezing tunnel, block-ice plants and supply of compressor and refrigeration equipment for various kind of factories such as food industry, dairy and medicine products - Supply of all kinds of electrical equipment and equipment for the power distribution and transmission net works

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 2 (Tara Building), 6th Floor, Malekoshoara Bahar Street, Taleghani Street, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 82 88 58 ، 021 - 88 82 75 89 ، 021 - 88 84 86 73

Fax: 021 - 88 82 33 06

More Information: Mahyar Industrial Company founded in year 1957 by private sector.
Supply of diesel generator for power stations, prime power applications and emergency use, is the oldest branch of Mahyar activity. Construction, erection and commissioning of more than 70 diesel power stations with total capacity of 700 MW consisting 250 diesel generators ranging from 1500 to 5000 kW and supply of thousands of diesel generators ranging from 10 to 1000 kW are the achievements of the company in its long history of operation in this industry.
Execution of turnkey projects including supply of equipments, civil works, erection and commissioning and also repair of large diesel generators and supply of spare parts complement the collection of Mahyar Co. services.
Industrial Refrigeration is active since year 1964 in field of construction of cold store, freezing tunnel, block-ice plants and supply of compressor and refrigeration equipment for various kind of factories such as food industry, dairy and medicine products.
Construction of hundreds of cold stores, block-ice plants with capacity of one hundred thousand tons and more than 6000 tons of ice per day represent activities and wide range of possibilities and Mahyar's precedent in this filed.
This company has also been active for more than 30 years in field of power distribution and transmission. Supply of all kinds of electrical equipment and equipment for the power distribution and transmission net works and construction of more than fifty high voltage substation at voltage level of 63 KV to 400 KV are among of the activities of the company.
Technical knowledge, expert and experienced man power and wide range of commercial and credit facilities together with hard wear facilities of company consisting of 5200 SQM wear house and well equipped work shop have provided proper basis to present services by this company.

number of visits : 361
Date of Registration : 1400-06-05
Expiration date : 1404-06-12

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