Arya Tajhiz

Arya Tajhiz

Subject: Import and supply of specialized laboratory materials Sigma, Aldrich USA Import and supply of laboratory and chemical materials Merck Germany Sale of various cell and microbial culture media Merck, Sigma, Gibco, Titan - Import and supply of all Sigma-Aldrich antibiotics - Sale of enzymes , Nanopowders, acids, fatty acids - import and supply of pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic, industrial grade chemicals, sale of disposable supplies and laboratory glassware

Province: Tehran

Address: Forsat, Enghelab St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 12 69 98 ، 021 - 66 12 53 31

Fax: 021 - 66 12 68 31

Mobile: 0903 - 757 64 84

More Information: Arya Tajhiz with extensive experience in providing chemical, pharmaceutical, research and laboratory raw materials using expertise, commitment, experience and knowledge has been able to take great steps to grow and improve its quality. Aria Tajhiz has always been able to satisfy customers by offering real prices for its products.
Company activities include:
- Import and supply of chemicals, laboratory, specialized and sub-specialized research
- Import and supply of specialized laboratory materials Sigma, Aldrich USA Import and supply of laboratory and chemical materials Merck Germany
- Sale of various cell and microbial culture media Merck, Sigma, Gibco, Titan
- Import and supply of all Sigma-Aldrich antibiotics, sale of enzymes, nanopowders, acids, fatty acids
- Import and supply of pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, industrial grade chemicals, sale of disposable supplies and laboratory glassware
It should be noted that Aria Tajhiz is equipped with more than 11,000 items from Merck and Sigma-Aldrich companies, and if the requested item is not available, the imported items from Merck and Sigma-Aldrich companies will be delivered within 4 to 8 working weeks.”
Arya Tajhiz is proud to cooperate with research institutes, pharmacies, petrochemicals, hospitals, universities, research centers and is ready to cooperate with all organizations, companies, laboratories and research institutes, and the mentioned centers can benefit from Aria Tajhiz discounts.

number of visits : 467
Date of Registration : 1400-08-16
Expiration date : 1404-08-18

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