Nik Baspar Yazd

Nik Baspar Yazd

Subject: Manufacturer of Push Fit Nik Plus, Push Fit Semi Silent, city sewer branches, three-layer pipes and fittings, five-layer pipes and fittings, clamps, pipe and fittings lubricant, tool box

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 20, Baharan Alley, South Shiraz St., Mollasadra St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 8306 ، 035 - 35 27 90 91 - 95

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @nikbaspargroup, Telegram : @Nik8306

More Information: Nik Baspar Production Group of Yazd is the first producer of push-fit pipes and fittings in Iran. Relying on its 20 years of experience and modern technology and using the best raw materials and quality control equipment, this company offers products to the market that are in the markets Internationally, they are competitive with other producers of this type of pipe.
Products :
- Push Fit Nik Plus, Push Fit Semi Silent, city sewer branches, three-layer pipes and fittings, five-layer pipes and fittings, fasteners, pipe and fittings lubricant, tool box

number of visits : 221
Date of Registration : 1402-07-13
Expiration date : 1404-01-16

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