Janome Company

Janome Company

Subject: Provider of sewing, dosing and household products nationally and internationally

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 24, 4th Floor, Morvarid Building, No. 1265, Jomhory St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 96 91 42 ، 021 - 66 56 49 71

Mobile: 0912 - 101 25 46

More Information: Janome Company aims to offer home appliance products using the latest technology as a model for the world sewing, dosing and textile industry. The company offers its products nationally and internationally by improving basic quality and developing a variety of products at the national and international levels by conducting basic research, development-applied research and conducting regenerative and forward-looking studies. We believe in our success because we strive to take stronger steps to achieve a better future by improving quality and services to increase customer satisfaction by quickly identifying and responding to needs. Our goal is to win the title of the best in our field of activity and to preserve and safeguard the company's values. We consider the most important and effective factor of our development as the loyalty of our agencies and with the aim of providing spiritual support, we try to create confidence for all stakeholders.
Products :
- Ironing press, mechanical sewing machine, professional sewing machine, computer sewing machine, sardouz machine, stock sewing machine, Miandouz sewing machine, super scissors

number of visits : 280
Date of Registration : 1400-11-04
Expiration date : 1403-11-07

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