Pars Molybden Co.

Pars Molybden Co.

Subject: Producer of molybdenum derivations

Province: Tehran

Address: No, 6, Bahar St., Beginning of Shiraze Jonubi, Molasadra St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 06 39 17 - 18 ، 035 - 37 27 28 62 - 63 ، 035 - 27 27 27 41

Fax: 021 - 88 06 14 76 ، 035 - 37 27 23 61

More Information: Pars Molybden Co. was established in a land with area up to 5000sqm in Yazd Industrial zone in 1989.
This company has passed successfully research phases and experimental production as the first producer of molybdenum derivations in country and it began to produce workshop Molybdenum oxide and Ferro molybdenum as the products of Pars Molybden Co.
At present time, Yazd plant is operating in a land with area up to 40000sqm and annual production capacity equal to 1500 tones Molybdenum Oxide and 1000 tones Ferro molybdenum.
In order to complete the product basket depending on molybdenum, Pars Molybden Co. established another unit in Ardakan Township in 2004 , thus production of some products such as Molybdate Ammonium ,pure Molybdenum Oxide and molybdenum metal powder was operated in that unit.
In the beginning of establishment of Pars Molybden Co., production of high quality products based on the global standards was the epigraph of the programs and aims of the company and the witness of this claim is exporting more than 90% products of Pars Molybden Co. to the European countries. Daringly can be said that our products are the most desirable products among the same local companies and brand of Pars Molybden Co. is the most known and favorite names among the European costumers of these products.

number of visits : 428
Date of Registration : 1400-11-05
Expiration date : 1404-11-07

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