Amin barbecue Co.

Amin barbecue Co.

Subject: Manufacturer of barbecues and grills

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 3, No. 408, after Mojdeh Crossroad, Niavaran Street (Bahonar), Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 02 41 68 ، 021 - 76 48 21 03

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @Aminbbq

Mobile: 0912 - 434 25 39

More Information: Amin Barbecue Company was established with more than 40 years of experience and using modern technology to produce all kinds of gas and charcoal barbecues and grills. Managers and experienced and expert staff of the company have used all their efforts to produce quality products in accordance with global standards and to pay attention to the needs and satisfaction of customers. Undoubtedly, customer satisfaction is achieved by producing quality products, reasonable prices and providing good after-sales services to our dear customers.
The raw materials of Amin Barbecue Company are prepared from the highest quality materials. After production, the company's products are tested by experts and after the final approval of the product, they enter the sales cycle.

number of visits : 339
Date of Registration : 1402-06-11
Expiration date : 1404-07-03

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