Mashad Wire&Cable Co.

Mashad Wire&Cable Co.

Subject: Production of all kinds of wires and cables, including medium and high voltage cables, telecommunication cables, spraying wires and cables, control cables and precision instruments, wire cables, self-sustaining cables, automotive wires and cables.

Province: Khorasan, Razavi

Address: Plot 480, Northern Talash 10, Northern Talash Blvd., Toos Industrial Town, Mashhad - IRAN

Phone: 051 - 3156 ، 051 - 35 41 15 00 ، 051 - 35 41 32 77 - 79

Fax: 051 - 35 41 48 44

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram :, Telegram: @mashadcable

More Information: Mashad Wire and Cable Company was registered in 1991 and at first it relied more on the production of construction products so that very soon and with the acquisition of standard 607 permits and with the growing trend of its quality, it was able to gain its share in the market at the very beginning. brought After that, by implementing ISO 9002 and based on its requirements, the company turned to the production of more specialized products and special customers, so that by entering the field of telecommunication cables production, it was able to play a major role in the projects of the Big Provinces Telecommunication Company at that time. The country should have Tehran, Khorasan, Mazandaran, etc.
Products :
- Medium and high voltage cables, telecommunication cables, wires and cables, control cables and precision instruments, wire cables, self-sustaining cables, automotive wires and cables.

number of visits : 391
Date of Registration : 1402-06-31
Expiration date : 1404-08-30

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