Foulka Wire Industries

Foulka Wire Industries

Subject: Manufacturer of wire mesh, black wire, acid-salt wire, high-carbon spring wire, reinforcing wire, microbar, PVC coated wire, all kinds of netting, black nails, barbed wire, welding electrode, Co2 welding wire, press netting, gabion netting, fence netting. , chicken net, black nail, barbed wire, welding electrode, CO2 welding wire

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 2, Ordibehesht Alley, in front of the Russian Consulate, Pamenar, Amirkabir St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 92 00 19 30

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @foulka_com

Mobile: 0938 - 038 83 00

More Information: Kiani wire industry with Foulka brand was established in 1375 in commercial activities and production of all kinds of springs and sales of industrial wires in Pamnar street of Tehran in 1375 to support the domestic production of domestic factories. Then, in order to provide better services in the shortest possible time, he set up a factory in the field of wire drawing industries in Shams Abad Industrial Town.
Products :
- Barbed wire, black wire, acid-salt wire, high-carbon spring wire, reinforcing wire, microbar, PVC coated wire, all kinds of netting, black nails, barbed wire, welding electrode, Co2 welding wire, press netting, gabion netting, fence netting, netting . Chicken, black nail, barbed wire, welding electrode, CO2 welding wire
- Plating, bending, spring wire, wire rolling

number of visits : 335
Date of Registration : 1402-07-05
Expiration date : 1404-06-19

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