Golin Laal Isfahan Co.

Golin Laal Isfahan Co.

Subject: Manufacturer of UPVC pipes and fittings, including single-ended adhesive sewer pipes, single-ended gutter pipes, single-ended electric pipes, single-ended and double-ended fittings, double-ended and three-ended fittings

Province: Isfahan

Address: No. 183, 1st Street, J Industrial City, Isfahan - IRAN

Phone: 031 - 35 72 25 10 - 15

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @golinlaal, Telegram : @golinlaal

Mobile: 0920 - 572 25 10

More Information: Golin Laal Isfahan Industrial Group started its activity in 1377 in the field of producing UPVC pipes and fittings and has the following privileges:
- Holder of national standard 9119 from Iran's Standard and Industrial Research Organization, holder of product quality approval from Europe CE
- ISO 9001:2008 certificate holder in quality management, OHSAS 18001:2007 occupational health and safety standard holder
- ISO 14001:2004 environmental management standard holder, official member of Iran PVC pipe and fittings manufacturers association
- Official member of National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran, official member of Isfahan Province Industrial Quality Control Specialized Association
- Official member of the House of Industry, Mining and Trade of Isfahan province
Features of Glin Lal Industrial Group products:
- Resistant to heat and sunlight, no deformation during high-temperature fluid passage, low roughness coefficient due to polished internal surfaces.
- The lowest resistance to fluid flow, high elasticity and flexibility against building vibration and settlement, low heat exchange with the surrounding environment
- Lack of vulnerability and decay over time (long life and durability), resistance to corrosive and chemical substances, high resistance to physical pressure
Products :
- Pipe: adhesive sewer pipes with one coupling end, gutter pipes with one coupling end, electric pipes with one coupling end
- Connections: one-end coupling and two-end coupling, two-end coupling and three-end coupling

number of visits : 248
Date of Registration : 1402-07-10
Expiration date : 1404-11-19

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