Subject: Sale of materials (dry wall tools, cement panel, gypsum panel, powder and tape and valves, screws and bolts, AMF tile (mineral) and Metal), consultation, design, structure determination, sale of covering wall systems, separating wall and roof false, meter and estimate, training, monitoring, implementation of construction projects, including all types of walls and ceilings, simple and decorative
Province: Tehran
Address: Unit 5, 2th Floor, No 2, Baharan Alley, Mini City, Tehran - IRAN
Phone: 021 - 28 11 17 17
Fax: 021 - 22 46 24 34
Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Instagram : @knauf_iran_dealer, Telegram : @kplus_atrinsazehvision
Mobile: 0912 - 139 03 62
More Information: Atrin Sazeh Vision Company was established in 2013 and is the sales agency of K Plus Pars Company (formerly Kanaf Iran) with an incentive certificate for implementation, services such as material sales, consulting, design, structure determination, sales of covering wall systems, separating walls and false ceilings. , meters and estimates, training, supervision, implementation of construction projects, including all types of walls and false ceilings, simple and decorative.
Products :
- Dry wall tools, cement panel, plaster panel, powder and tape and valve, screw and bolt, AMF tile (mineral) and Metal
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