Camozzi Iran Co.

Camozzi Iran Co.

Subject: Pneumatic components, valves and cylinders, fittings

Province: Tehran

Address: Motahari Ave., No.2, Kuhe Nur,Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 73 21 30 ، 021 - 28 42 43 49

Fax: 021 - 88 73 85 52

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Telegram : @camozzi iran ، Instagram : camozziran

More Information: Camozzi Iran Co. Ltd was founded in 1990 by Mr. Attilio Camozzi and Mr. F.H. Babaei as the Middle East Headquarter of Camozzi Group.
Camozzi Industrial Group is one of the most leading industrial groups in Europe and in the world also, which is active in the field of Industrial Automation, Textile Machinery, Machine tools, Energy & Plastics.
Camozzi Iran has a pneumatic factory in Iran by which it not only supplies demands of the Iranian market but also the area market.
Based on the European short term training courses, Trainin & Technical Division of Camozzi Iran holds short term theory and practical training courses and issues Group Level Certificate for apprentices. This Division of Camozzi Iran also represents different kinds of useful training tools, softwares and hardwares to scientific, cultural and industrial complexes such as universities, schools and factories.
Industrial Project Division of Camozzi Iran is in frequent touch with factories and different industrial organizations in Iran to provide their required goods or to plan and execute their industrial automation projects.

number of visits : 1622
Date of Registration : 1396-01-14
Expiration date : 1404-01-27

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