Subject: Provision of services order registeration, clearance and transit, loading and offloading, transportation, commercial card, warehousing
Province: Alborz
Address: Unit 6, Alborz building, 45th meters Kaj, Azadegan, Karaj, IRAN
Phone: 026 - 32 56 79 89 - 90
Fax: 026 - 37 77 33 35
More Information: Arta Bazargan Holding Company experienced more than 17 years in executive affaires and achieved to the high levels of success. In regard to area necessity to large warehouse, this company started to build appropriate warehouses according to ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards since 2004 and improved to the best warehouse builder complex of Tehran state.
Of the most important quality index of customer satisfaction are less expenses, high quality customer service and high level security of goods in warehouses. According to this valuable experience in warehousing, we would like to express our preparation by presenting the package as below.
This company facilitates importing financial affairs for traders and companies by creating a practical service package.
Arta Bazargan Company service
Order registeration/clearance and transit/loading and offloading/transportation/commercial card/warehousing
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