Esfarayen Industrial Co.

Esfarayen Industrial Co.

Subject: Manfacturer of alloy steels, products comprising of long products, forgings and castings

Province: Khorasan, North

Address: Esfarayen Industrial Complex's, 12 km of Bojnoord Road, Esfarayen, iran

Phone: 058 - 37 21 72 62 ، 021 - 88 84 11 82 - 7

Fax: 058 - 37 21 72 94 ، 021 - 88 14 04 24

More Information: Esfarayen Industrial Complex's history is a unique one as it originated from the concept of independence in needed steel parts during Iran's post-revolution industrial development. Created in 1990 the company has started its forging/heat treatment operation in 1996. Subsequently, the steel plant was operational in 2005. E.I.CO. is a young, growth-oriented company backed by the know-how obtained from leading manufacturers such as, GFM of Germany, Buhler and INTECO of Austria, Skoda in Czech Republic.
E.I.CO. now after the completion of steel plant, forging plant, machining and heat treatment is of the main suppliers of alloy steels products comprising of long products, forgings and castings in Iran and the Middle East region for variety of industries such as Oil & Gas, Mining, Railway, Power generation, tool steels, Naval, etc. Its products have found their ways to Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and Turkey.

number of visits : 1361
Date of Registration : 1396-03-15
Expiration date : 1404-03-23

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داوود مختاری
1402-09-05 09:36:36
با سلام . پالت سازی مختاری آماده تحویل پالت چوبی،جعبه چوب روسی،صندوق قطعات صنعتی ، هبلکس و تراورس چوبی ریل راه آهن می باشد . 09134041081