Coridge Bon Co.

Coridge Bon Co.

Subject: Reinforced Concrete Cavity Roof System with Durable Hollow Polypropylene Blocks, Cridge Blocks

Province: Yazd

Address: Coridge Bon Building, Shahid Khalil Hasan Beygi St., 17 Shahrivar Blvd., Yazd - IRAN

Phone: 035 - 37 26 88 48

Fax: 035 - 37 26 56 26

More Information: Coridge Bon New Structures Company, as a knowledge-based company in the field of engineering technical services, is determined to attract customer satisfaction while protecting the rights of other stakeholders within the framework of integrated management systems based on valid national and international certifications in the field of construction industry. Take a step.
Products and Services :
- Reinforced concrete roof hollow system with durable hollow polypropylene blocks: This system is actually a reinforced concrete slab that is hollowed due to the presence of polypropylene blocks. The presence of these blocks effectively increases the thickness of the roof in the face of a slight increase in weight and therefore improves the cross section of the roof in such a way that in addition to providing control criteria, it is also allowed to be used in large openings and compared to the slab. Similar ones weigh less.
Craig blocks: In general, Uboot blocks are classified into four types: single, double, modified and polystyrene blocks.
- Engineering and sales services: architectural consulting, initial consulting and presentation of justification plan, additional services and presentation of technical documents and executive plans

number of visits : 424
Date of Registration : 1398-09-20
Expiration date : 1404-09-26

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