Ghavamkar Ind. Group

Ghavamkar Ind. Group

Subject: Manufacturer of Different Adhesives, Colors, Resins, and Construction Chemicals

Province: Tehran

Address: Fl.1, No.178, Molasadra St., Vanak Sq., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 41 89 41 00

Fax: 021 - 88 21 78 25

More Information: “Ghavamkar Industrial Group” is a Manufacturer of Different Adhesives, Colors, Resins, and Construction Chemicals.
This company has always tried to provide high quality products to the domestic and foreign target markets; the prominent presence and reputation of Ghavam in international market, particularly in the countries located in Khazar Sea Basin and Iraq indicate the ongoing and unceasingly efforts of this company. Therefore, another production plant was launched in Uzbekistan in 2006 for developing the production line and covering more targeted markets.
“Ghavamkar Industrial Group” has always prioritized over the quality of manufactured products in order to attract the trust of customers and to be accountable toward its customers and commercial partners. For accomplishing this end, it has undertaken to equip the plant with quality control laboratory and research and development (R&D) laboratory having test tools and to enhance its specialized and obliged human forces.

number of visits : 887
Date of Registration : 1399-10-27
Expiration date : 1404-11-01

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