Arjan Dairy Co.

Arjan Dairy Co.

Subject: Production of dairy products

Province: Fars

Address: Arjan Factory, Sub 302, North Tahghighat, Tahghigh Sq., Industrial Town, Shiraz - IRAN

Phone: 071 - 37 74 20 86 - 88 ، 071 - 37 74 34 91 - 93

Fax: 021 - 37 74 20 89

More Information: Arjan Dairy Products Company has been on the table for more than half a century and is one of the largest dairy factories in Iran.
The use of appropriate raw materials and packaging materials, advanced automatic machines, technical knowledge and specialized forces have made Arjan products in the competitive market have special advantages during this period and has a significant level of the dairy market at its disposal.
Arjan, according to the three principles of producing a delicious, healthy product without preservatives, has taken into account both the taste of the people and their health in the production of products.
Arjan produces and markets many products from yogurts to buttermilk, cream, cheese, milk curd with the best quality and the most desirable taste. These factors along with the amount of investment and employment, production strategy, production process, promotion rate The level of technical and specialized knowledge of the personnel, carrying out practical and executive plans, paying attention to the environment and specialized support, and paying attention to social issues and commitments have made Arjan have a unique position at the top of the country's industrial companies.

number of visits : 530
Date of Registration : 1400-01-22
Expiration date : 1404-01-23

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