Tavakoli Match

Tavakoli Match

Subject: Producer of the highest quality safety matches.

Province: East Azerbaijan

Address: Tavakoli Match, Azerbaijan Street, Shams Tabrizi Ave., Tabriz - IRAN

Phone: 041 - 32 66 40 40 ، 021 - 22 25 21 81

Fax: 041 - 32 66 40 48 ، 021 - 22 26 38 10

More Information: Tavakoli Match is the oldest private company in Iran currently in existence. This factory was established in 1917, at the end of World War 1, in the city of Tabriz . Since then the Company has build a reputation as the producer of the highest quality safety matches.
In 1946, the company moved to its current location, embedded in the old city of Tabriz , and purchased German semi-automatic match making machinery sometime in 1959. In 1969, the company purchased and commissioned its first fully automatic match making machinery. Presently the company has augmented its product line and is producing kitchen match, high quality customized fantasy matches & custom gift boxes.
Currently, the company has four automatic lines, a semi automatic line, fantasy match production lines and match machinery and parts making unit & has over 400 employees.
Match standards for the products to be sold in the Iranian Marketplace is detailed in the of the Iranian Standard & Industrial Research Institute (ISIRI), which sets forth stringent quality standards for the safety matches, including but not limited to the outerbox, innerbox substance and quality.
Tavakoli Match is also able to produce safety matches based on European Safety Match Standard EN 1783, approved for the European Union in 1997, on a per order basis.
Products :
- House Hold Matches, Promotional Matches

number of visits : 1682
Date of Registration : 1395-10-04
Expiration date : 1404-11-07

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