Beh Roshd Kavir Co.

Beh Roshd Kavir Co.

Subject: Formulation, processing and production of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals used in agriculture

Province: Kerman

Address: Industrial Town, Rafsanjan - IRAN

Phone: 034 - 34 26 96 19 ، 034 - 34 26 07 45

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Telegram : @behroshdkavir , Instagram : behroshdkavir

More Information: Beh Roshd Kavir Company was established in 2007 with the aim of producing various inputs used in agriculture, and after the construction process, and obtaining the relevant permits from legal authorities, started its activities in 2011.
The company has started its production in the field of: formulation, processing and production of pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals used in agriculture by producing quality products using the latest methods and technical equipment and employing specialized personnel. It is active in producing more than 20 different types of products.
Products :
Fertilizers: urea sulfate, nitro potash (potassium nitrate), potassium silicate, suspension sulfur, aminoca, aminosine, humic acid, complete fertilizer, micromax (complete micro granules), complete macro high potash powder, complete macro powder, fruit , Seaweed, Iron Powder Fertilizer, Complete Granular Organic Fertilizer in Different Analyzes, Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer, Liquid Phosphate, Iron and Amino Acid Chelate, Copper to Max Chelate, Manganese Chelate
Toxins: emulsifiable oil (Volk oil), suspension sulfur, granular sulfur 90% to max, chlorpyrifos to grow, phenytrothion (phenitrothion to grow), hexaflumorone (hexaflumorone to grow)
- Other products: fixer, chaosol, supplement (soap) foliar spray to max, non-ionic foliar spray soap

number of visits : 575
Date of Registration : 1400-02-10
Expiration date : 1404-02-20

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