Arman Pushe Pamire

Arman Pushe Pamire

Subject: Men's clothing manufacturer

Province: Tehran

Address: No.13, 57 Str, Ebne sina Blvd., Abbas Abad Industrial Estate, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 36 42 72 32 - 36

Fax: 021 - 36 42 69 67

More Information: With the launch of the third millennium technology in the garment industry, the art of sewing blended with the industry. The production of the suit and shirt is being carried out at the Arpaopa factory in Abbas Abad Industrial City, Tehran. Repopa works with top domestic and foreign manufacturers to supply textiles and raw materials for its products. From the very beginning, aiming to increase and guarantee the quality of the products, the experts of Arpaopa are sent to different specialized courses in European countries to learn the new knowledge of the garment industry.

number of visits : 434
Date of Registration : 1400-08-16
Expiration date : 1404-08-18

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