Subject: Design and manufacture of precision dimensional control devices and electronic gauges - Design and production of advanced transportation and traffic control equipment in Shahrilug
Province: Isfahan
Address: No. 23, Block 23, Amirkibar Industrial Town, Ata Al-Molk Boulevard, Imam Khomeini St., Isfahan - IRAN
Phone: 031 - 33 87 39 98 - 99
Fax: 031 - 33 87 39 97
More Information: The history of specialized activities of Behineh Sanj Engineering Company dates back to 1989, when a group of electrical and electronics engineers at Isfahan University of Technology were working on various industrial control and instrumentation projects. 10 years later in 1999, with the establishment of Behine Sanj Engineering Company, two key areas of the group's activities continued in the form of the private sector in this company. One is the design and production of advanced transportation and urban traffic control equipment, and the other is the design and production of precision dimensional control devices and electronic gauges.
The products and services of Behine Sanj Engineering Company in the field of traffic control include the following :
1- Design and manufacture of a wide range of traffic light controllers from very small and simple models to complex and intelligent controllers that meet the requirements of intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
2- Providing various types of car sensors (usable in smart systems) such as loop and video sensors
3- Designing and developing the central traffic control system and providing the necessary software tools for intelligent control of intersections through the traffic control center
4- Carrying out various urban traffic projects in different cities of the country in the form of EPC (from design to implementation and operation)
5- Production of reverse types of large and small traffic numbers and compatible with fixed and intelligent controllers
6- Implementation of various projects in new ITS fields such as bus and ambulance priority system and advanced traffic statistics
7- Carrying out study projects in the field of optimizing the phasing and scheduling of lights in urban intersections.
The products and services of the Optimometer Engineering Company in the field of dimensional control metrics are classified into five categories :
1- Types of dimensional control measures according to the customer's order
2- LVDT displacement probes and sensors on behalf of Solartron UK
3- Digital displays that can be connected to LVDT probes
4- Measures that can be installed on a stone-driven machine
5- Service or change the use of second-hand puzzles
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